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Z Fringe FAQs

  • When are the Visual Art Submissions open?
    Submission Period: Jan 20, 2025 to Feb 16, 2025.
  • Visual Art Submission Types:
    Single Artwork Submission - A single piece of visual art, any medium. Gallery Submission - Up to 3 pieces of artwork that are connected by a theme. Art mediums can be varied or the same for all 4 pieces. Connecting theme must be part of the Artist Statement. Maker Space Submission - 6’ table space for display/sales of applied arts and crafts.
  • Dimension/display parameters:
    Hanging Art: All art must be ready to hang. Single Piece - Maximum width: 54”. Maximum height: 48”. Gallery Pieces - Maximum sizes of individual pieces: width 24”, height 20” Freestanding Art: No taller than 6'10". No wider than 3'11". Selected artists will be able to request use of a white pedestal. Any other pedestal-style required must be supplied by the artist. All Types: Power outlets are available. Artists will load in their own work and may use The Z’s loading dock. Loading dock elevator door is 7'x4'.
  • Artist Participation Requirements:
    Gallery and Single Artwork submissions must provide title, medium, and artist’s statement as part of their submission. Artists will be given a Visual Artist Badge, allowing them access to up to 4 performances at the festival. Artist Badge access may be Standing Room Only. Artists can upgrade to a full badge or purchase additional single tickets at the Box Office.
  • Can I sell my art?
    Artists may choose whether their work is for sale or display only. Artist is responsible for handling all sales details and interactions, including the handoff or transport of the art to the purchaser. Maker Space sales must have the artists or a representative onsite to make the sale. Gallery and Single Display Artists may leave contact information for interested buyers at their display.
  • Content Guidelines:
    Because visual artwork at The Z Fringe will be displayed in common areas, open to the public, and potentially viewable from the outside of our building, it must be appropriate for All Ages. The Z is committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community. The Z’s artistic staff may reject any submission deemed not in line with this policy, such as entries with messages that are derogatory toward other groups, based on gender, race, color, religion, age, nationality, disability or other characteristic. Any rejection on such grounds will be based on the perceived artistic merit of the entry in accordance with The Z’s mission and values. Any Entrant submitting such material may be banned from future applications at The Z.
  • What is a Fringe Festival?
    Fringe is a performing arts tradition that started in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1947 when eight performing groups were excluded from the mainstream annual arts festival. They decided to perform anyway, finding inexpensive or free venues on the fringes of the city. The Edinburgh Fringe Festival has since grown into one of the largest arts festivals in the world, eclipsing the original festival exponentially.
  • What is The Z Fringe?
    The Z's Fringe Festival is a celebration of self-produced performance art that pushes the envelope and makes a statement. Performances at The Z Fringe are theatrically-based, meaning they have a viewpoint, tell a story, or connect multiple pieces with a theme. Like the origin story of Fringe Festivals, The Z Fringe was created to give performing artists access to performance space and the opportunity to explore new concepts and performance formats that don’t fit a ‘traditional’ production model.
  • When is The Z Fringe?
    April 4-6, 2025
  • What’s new for Z Fringe 2025?
    3rd Day of Performances Laurels Audience pick (for each venue and Visual) Producers pick (for each venue and Visual) Box Office pick – based on sales (each venue) Festival Wrap Party for Artists and Badge Holders More ways to Get Involved
  • Who is Zeiders American Dream Theater?
    Zeiders American Dream Theater (The Z) is a Virginia-based non-profit committed to developing, producing, and celebrating new works and emerging artists to ignite creative growth in our community. Principles: The Z is founded on the belief that the imagination, passion, and discipline of creativity are essential to the growth of individuals and communities in all successful endeavors - artistic and beyond. Our mission comes to life through Signature Series events and Artistic Opportunities, that make us a creative home for our community - artists and audiences alike.
  • Visual Art Display Fees:
    Single piece fee - No Fee Gallery fee - up to 3 pieces - No Fee Maker Space fee - $15 Artists will receive an invoice for the relevant fee amount as part of the acceptance of selection process.
  • What are the Performance Submission Guidelines?
    Submission Period December 9th to January 15 11:59pm EST We want as many artists as possible to be able to participate. To help with that, only one application per producing artist is allowed. Multiple applications from the same Producer/Main Contact will be removed from the lottery. No fire or open flame, no wet paint or other materials that may cause damage to the venue. No loose glitter. Run Time for a production must be at least 15 min and no longer than 90 min. Run Time is from the beginning of your performance (immediately after The Z’s recorded curtain speech) until the end of bows, audience talk-back, or post-show announcements (if you choose to do them). Run time cannot be extended from submitted time under any circumstances. Backstage Time includes set up, dressing room access, and strike to a clear stage. Each show will be able to select their Backstage Time from an offered range of 15-60 minutes. Tech Time will be offered to each show based on their Run Time, with the option to increase their tech time for an additional production fee. Tech Time appointments will be available April 1-4. Time appointments will be available March 29, March 31 - April 5. Limited slots will be available on the 5th reserved for performances from outside the Hampton Roads area. Depending on demand, additional tech slots may be added March 27-29th. Content Guidelines The Z is committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community. The Z’s artistic staff may reject any submission deemed not in line with this policy, such as entries with messages that are derogatory toward other groups, based on gender, race, color, religion, age, nationality, disability or other characteristic. Any rejection on such grounds will be based on the perceived artistic merit of the entry in accordance with The Z’s mission and values. Any Entrant submitting such material may be banned from future applications at The Z.
  • How are works selected?
    Applicants must submit a completed application before January 11, 2025 at 11:59PM.* Extended through Jan. 15. The Z Fringe Committee will review each submission to make sure they meet festival guidelines. Submissions meeting the guidelines will be entered into the lottery and festival selections will be chosen at random. There is a limited number of performance slots for each run time range. Lottery selection and announcements will be completed by January 24, 2025.
  • What does it cost to apply to The Z Fringe?
    There is no cost to apply to The Z Fringe Festival. Shows selected for the festival will be required to pay a Production Fee based on their Run Time. *Production fee is waived for Z Artist Members. Production fees range from $10 - $75 and are based on the show's level of production effort needed. This calculation takes into account the total time needed for Run Time, Backstage Time, and Tech Time. Producing Artists will receive a quote based on their application as part of the acceptance of selection process.
  • What types of works are accepted?
    Performances can be any genre but should have a viewpoint, tell a story, or connect multiple pieces with a theme. In addition to theater pieces, this definition could include a dance piece with a viewpoint, a stand up routine with a throughline, a showcase of scenes from works in progress with a connecting theme…. And more! IIf you have questions, join us on December 16 at 6PM for a virtual info session or contact us.
  • Can I submit a Work-In-Progress?
    Works in Progress performance genre: The Works in Progress genre category is for artists who want to present and get feedback on a piece they are developing. Submissions for Works in Progress will also select the other genre(s) that fit their piece. WIP is an identifier, so audiences know that they are seeing a work in development. Examples of Works in Progress: A table read or staged reading of a script Performance of scene selections from a script Songs and scenes from a new musical A talk back or audience survey is recommended for WIP shows, to make the most of the opportunity. WIP selected for the festival will be provided with information and examples about best practices for gathering audience feedback. The Z can also provide a talk-back moderator.
  • What do Z Fringe Artists get?
    Mentorship opportunities with previous festival artists and festival producers to help make your festival experience a success. The Z’s amazing facility and performance space! Two venue technicians to run lighting and sound for your performance. An All Access Festival pass for each member of your team Free entry to the Festival Wrap Party for you and your show’s team 50% of ticket sales revenue for your performance. Total festival pass revenue will be split based on attendance at each performance. Listing in our printed festival schedule and on our website. Show poster space in The Z’s Main Lobby for one month leading up to the festival. Talk back facilitator for Works In Progress productions Connection to local volunteer support for casting and rehearsal resources Box office support
  • What are Z Fringe artists responsible for?
    Artists must provide artwork and description for promotional purposes. Artists are responsible for creating their own social media events and promoting their shows. Artists are responsible for all production details, including casting, physical elements, audio cues, and any external costs associated with their show. We highly encourage original works for this festival. If the work is not an original piece, Artists are responsible for securing the rights. Applicants must identify a single Producer/Main Contact for their show. This person will sign an agreement with The Z as the show’s main point of contact. They will be making and receiving payments in their name, and be responsible for any applicable tax forms. The Z does not provide backstage hands (prop runners, wardrobe, etc.), followspot operators (or followspots), or projection/video operators. Artists are responsible for providing their own crew for those areas, if needed for their show.
  • 2025 Z Fringe Artist Mentorship Events
    January 27 2025. Z Fringe Kickoff Mixer - In Person Event. 6PM-8:30PM February 10, 2025. Marketing Your Fringe Show - Virtual Event February 24, 2025. Open Lobby Hours: Best Practices and Filling out your Tech Info - In Person Event. 6pm-8pm Main Lobby March 10, 2025. Open Lobby Hours: Best Practices for Audience Feedback - In Person. 6pm-8pm Main Lobby One-on-One Meetings - available by appointment Jan 29-March 22
  • Watch the Information Session!
    Learn about submitting, this year's festival and more!
  • Venue Walkthroughs
  • Main Stage
    Three quarter thrust stage with stadium seating. Seats: 299 Approximate stage space: 24’ x 32’ (~768 sq ft). Thrust is 24’ wide by 24’ deep (including downstage steps) Cyc or Full Stage Black available as backdrop. Projector and projection surface available: Permanently mounted ceiling projector with option of motorized projection screen or white cyc surface. The Z does not provide a technician to run projections. One Dressing Room, max capacity 10 people. Recommended for mid to large-scale productions, dance, musicals, shows with a large audience draws, seasoned performers.
  • Studio Theater
    Black box theater with an elevated platform stage. Seats: ~87 Stage dimensions: 24’ x 12’ (288 sq ft). Stage height: 1’-0” One Dressing Room, max capacity 10 people. No projection surface or projector available for use. Recommended for smaller productions, solo shows, intimate performances, improv, interactive performances, first-time fringers.

4509 Commerce St.

Virginia Beach, VA, USA


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